
Electronic Signature


Training Purpose

The purpose of the training is to introduce participants to the subject of Trust Services, with particular emphasis on issues related to electronic signature, its use in practice, and in relation to legal provisions, in particular the eIDAS Regulation.


At the training, we will refer to the real reports of users of our system and examples related to situations in which the signature was incorrectly placed or raised doubts about its correctness.


How to properly use the electronic signature and what are the effects of its incorrect use. Find out what to look for and what rules to outdate to start using electronization effectively.


We want everyone after the training to acquire practical knowledge of the electronic signature, its forms, the possibility of using and the validation of electronic signatures and proper verification of their correctness.

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EIDAS Training

Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union No. 910/2014 of July 23, 2014. on electronic identification and trust services in relation to electronic transactions in the internal market (in short: eIDAS).

The regulation’s task is to regulate and regulate the methods of using electronic services and to spread them throughout the EU. Mainly in the area of economic development, public administration and for citizens. Thanks to eIDAS in the European Community, we can carry out administrative matters in electronic form towards a local office or unit being an administrative body of another EU country.

The purpose of the training is to familiarize trainees with the legal requirements that apply when using electronic services, as well as the legal effects of using various types of electronic signatures. During the training, Students will practice in a practical way signing documents as well as verifying the correctness of an electronic signature.

We are reliable

Group 229

3 years validity period of certification of the Information Security Management System in accordance with ISO 27001

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Entry in the register of non-qualified trust service providers


Over 500 customers have already trusted us

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Electronic signature verification policy

The scope of training

1. Legal basis of trust services


  • European context, including the eIDAS regulation and implementing decisions of the European Commission
  • Polish context: legal acts regulating trust services, including analysis of the provisions of the Code of Administrative Procedure, the Civil Code and the Public Procurement Law
  • Organizing concepts related to trust services


2. Technical aspects of the electronic signature


  • Types, formats, types of electronic signatures
  • Qualified trust service providers in Poland
  • How to get an electronic signature certificate?
  • How to effectively create an electronic signature?
  • Electronic signature validation


3. Practical application of an electronic signature


  • When is the electronic signature used?
  • Presentation of applications used for the submission and verification of an electronic signature
  • Analysis of the most common doubts with interpretation of verification results
  • Court case law regarding trust services

For Whom?

For anyone who wants to acquire knowledge in the field of signing methods and the use of electronically signed documents. Mainly focused on public sector employees involved in office work, public procurement or financial departments

To receive an offer, write to us using the form.

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