

Madkom SA fully respects the right to privacy and protection of technological data. This document you are reading is the privacy policy of the weryfikacjapodpisu.pl website which sets out the rules of confidentiality, i.e. how we treat your personal data and personal data processed as part of the service provided on the website. This document also sets out the rules for storing and accessing information on the Website User’s devices using Cookies, which are used to provide electronic services by the Administrator.


Each Service User should carefully read these terms and conditions before using the Website. By using the Service you confirm acceptance of these conditions.


At the same time, by using the services offered by our website, consisting of validating electronic signatures online, you confirm the acceptance of the MADKOM SA Non-qualified Services Policy.




Administrator – MADKOM SA with its registered office in Gdynia (81-451), Aleja Zwycięstwa 96/98, registered at the Gdańsk Północ District Court, VIII Commercial Department of the National Court Register. KRS: 0000394954 NIP: 586-227-27-56 REGON: 221508925
Service – means the website weryfikacjapodpisu.pl
Cookies– means IT data, in particular small text files, saved and stored on devices through which the User uses the Website’s pages.
System log – this is the information that the User’s computer transmits to the server at each connection, it can contain various data (e.g. IP number), which can be more or less possible to determine where the connection came from,
IP address – individual number, which usually has every computer connected to the Internet, the IP number can be permanently associated with the computer (static) or assigned to a given connection (dynamic),
Device – means an electronic device through which the User gains access to the Service.
User – means an entity for which services may be provided electronically in accordance with the Regulations and legal provisions, with which an Agreement for the provision of electronic services may be concluded, and to which additional services may be addressed, e.g. training offers.




We use personal data to enable the operation of the website and the service provided by it, ensure its security and guarantee Users to provide services of the highest quality.


Taking care of the protection of personal data processed by our company, we use the appropriate organizational and technical solutions to prevent interference with the privacy of users of our Site by third parties. Our activities are aimed at guaranteeing you a sense of complete security at the level appropriate to applicable law, including:


  1. Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council 2016/679 of 27 April 2016. On the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and the repeal of Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) ;
  2. Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of electronic services;
  3. Act of 16 July 2004 Telecommunications Law.


Communication between your computer and our server is encrypted using the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol, which is a special standard for data transmission, which significantly improves the protection of data on the network.


The data are stored in a database protected against access by third parties in a special security and only authorized persons connected to the website weryfikacjapodpisu.pl have access to them and are obliged to keep the obtained information in secret.




The website is administered by MADKOM SA with its registered office in Gdynia (81-451), Aleja Zwycięstwa 96/98, registered at the Gdańsk Północ District Court, VIII Commercial Department of the National Court Register. KRS: 0000394954 NIP: 586-227-27-56 REGON: 221508925 hereinafter referred to as the Administrator, which provides services by electronic means, stores and gains access to information on User’s devices, processes personal data concerning the User obtained, among others via the Service.


If you have any questions, comments or requests regarding this Privacy Policy and Cookies, you can contact us at the following email address madkom@madkom.pl.


You can contact the Data Protection Officer at: iod@madkom.pl




When we use the Website, we store http queries directed to the server. Viewed resources are identified by URL addresses and relate to:


  • the public IP address of the terminal device from which the request came;
  • User’s station names – identification carried out by the http protocol, if possible;
  • time of inquiry;
  • first line of http request;
  • http response code;
  • the number of data sent by the server;
  • URL address of the page previously visited by the User (so-called referrer link) – if the Website was accessed via an external link;
  • information about the User’s browser;
  • information about errors that occurred during the implementation of the http transaction.


The above data are not associated with specific people browsing the Website.


The website does not automatically collect any information except for the information contained in Cookies (in the part called “Cookies” below you will learn more, including the purposes of saving and storing them). The information collected in this way is used, among others to manage the Website as well as to identify possible security threats, and in the case of “Advertising” cookies, this will allow us to provide personalized advertising content – each Website user can accept cookies, or have the option to disable them in the browser, so that no information will be collected.


The websites do not automatically collect any information except for the information contained in Cookies (about which you will learn more below). The information collected in this way is used, among others to manage the Website as well as to identify possible security threats.


By using the contact form available on the Website, in addition to the content of the contact message, you may be asked to provide, among others the following personal data:


  • first name and last name;
  • e-mail address;
  • phone number;


Providing the data indicated above is voluntary, but without providing it, you may not be able to use the Website in this respect – without this information we will not be able to contact you.


Data obtained while using the Website as well as data obtained through contact with the User may be used:


  • in order to better adapt the services we provide to your needs;
  • to consider complaints or objections submitted by the User;
  • in order to create statistics on the use of the Website, which are to be used to improve the quality of our services;
  • in order to prepare a dedicated offer, e.g. training offer.


Your personal data collected and processed by the Administrator for purposes related to using the Website, including data obtained through forms contact details are processed for the purpose and period necessary for proper handling tasks and until the end of the limitation period for any claims, and possibly actions related to the pursuit of the contract and its implementation. Depending on the type of task, data may be processed for purposes resulting from related activities with the implementation of the service, with legitimate interests pursued by Administrator, as well as on the basis of the User’s consent – for purposes consistent with the content consent granted (legal basis Article 6 paragraph 1 letter a), b) and f) of the Regulation). Data obtained as a result of verification are processed in accordance with the provisions of the Policy of providing the service.


By using the services available on the site, you send files that will be processed to obtain the result of verification – you do so by accepting the Policy of providing services and the Privacy Policy in force on the website. The documents processed as part of the service are not collected by us, but as part of the service they are processed, and after verifying the signature (s) they are immediately deleted.




The recipients of personal data to which the Administrator may entrust data will be suppliers legal and IT services, including providers of website analytics tools as well as entities dealing in hosting (storage) of personal data for Administrator and entities cooperating with us in the preparation and implementation of training. The recipients of data that the Administrator may share data are authorities public.


The personal data we collect is not transferred to international organizations or to third countries. Personal data may be processed by other entities in accordance with Union or national law.




Remember that within the scope of the processing of your data you have the rights:


  • access to data;
  • rectification of data;
  • withdrawal of consent;
  • delete or limit processing;
  • lodging a complaint to the supervisory body regarding the protection of personal data – the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection;


If you would like to exercise your rights regarding your personal data, or simply want to ask about something related to our Privacy Policy, please contact us via the contact form provided on the website or write to the email address: iod@madkom.pl




All data, including personal data used as part of the provision of non-qualified services available on the site, are implemented in accordance with the Policy of providing non-qualified services of MADKOM SA.. The data is not used by the company for any purpose other than to provide the service.




Each User can independently change the settings for Cookies in his web browser, e.g. he can partially limit or completely disable the option of saving Cookies. If you do not change the settings in the above scope, Cookies will be saved in the memory of your device. Changing Cookie settings may limit the functionality of the Website.


Cookies used by the Administrator are safe for your Device and the use of Cookies is in accordance with art. 173 of the Telecommunications Act of 16 July 2004. In particular, it is not possible for viruses or other unwanted software or malware to enter Users’ Devices in this way. These files allow to identify the software used by the User and customize the Website to each User individually. Cookies usually contain the name of the domain from which they originate, their storage time on the Device and the assigned value.


The purposes for which cookies are used


Cookies are used to:


  • making it easier for the User to use the Website while browsing,
  • later association of the User in the event of a re-connection of the Website with the device on which they were saved;
  • adapt the content of the Website pages to the User’s preferences and optimize the use of websites; in particular, these files allow to recognize the device of the Website User and properly display the website, tailored to his individual needs;
  • creating statistics that help understand how Website Users use websites, which allows improving their structure and content;
  • providing personalized advertising content.


The types of cookies we use


Types of cookies:


  • Session cookies: they are stored on the User’s Device and remain there until the end of the browser session. The saved information is then permanently deleted from the Device’s memory. The session cookies mechanism does not allow the collection of any personal data or any confidential information from the User’s Device;
  • Persistent cookies: they are stored on the User’s Device and remain there until they are deleted. Ending the browser session or turning off the Device does not delete them from the User’s Device. The Persistent Cookies mechanism does not allow downloading any personal data or any confidential information from the User’s Device.


The Website uses the following types of cookies:


  • “Necessary” cookies, enabling the use of services available on the Website, e.g. authentication cookies used for services that require authentication on the Website;
  • cookies used to ensure security, e.g. used to detect fraud in the field of authentication on the Website;
  • “Performance” cookies, enabling the collection of information on how to use the Website’s pages;
  • “Functional” cookies, enabling “remembering” the settings selected by the User and personalizing the User’s interface, eg in terms of the language or region of the User’s origin, font size, appearance of the website, etc .;
  • “Advertising” cookies, enabling users to provide advertising content more tailored to their interests. Advertising messages tailored to the User’s preferences using Google Adwords analytical tools – Cookies administrator: Google Inc. from the USA
  • cookies for analysis and research and audience audit – collecting general and anonymous static data, creating anonymous statistics via analytical tools (Google Analitycs – Cookies administrator: Google Inc. from Poland / USA) – you can read the Google Analytics privacy policy under this address: www.google.com/intl/pl/policies/privacy), which help to understand how Service Users use Website pages, which allows improving their structure and content;


More information on cookies is available at WszystkoOCiasteczkach.pl or in the “Help” section of the web browser menu.




We reserve the right to change the above privacy policy, and any changes related to it will be made available on this website by publishing a new edition of the privacy policy and cookies on this website.

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