weryfikacja podpisu elektronicznego


SAWPE allows you to verify files via the API and download archived results in HTML, PDF and JSON forms.


Authorization is done by passing the authorization key in the api-auth header.

The default api-auth key is: 376c66a0f4e10c7aa45b1c3a3321c2f093c1d08e0a1b5831c1b4fb66873ab1f7

To get your own premium key - without searching restrictions, please contact us using form

curl "https://weryfikacjapodpisu.pl/api/<PATH>"-H "api-auth: YOUR_API_KEY"

Archival downloads


This endpoint allows you to retrieve archived results using a verification identifier.

The identifier contains information whether the default key has been used authorization or paid.

The verification ID can be found in the server's response after verification, PDF print or HTML view.

You can download the verification result in English, you need to add the lang parameter to ask, as in the example.

HTTP Request

GET https://weryfikacjapodpisu.pl/api/v2/epw/<ID>.<TYPE>?lang=<LANG>

URL Parameters

IDVerification ID
TYPEFile download type (HTML, PDF or JSON)
LANGLanguage of the verification result (pl or en), optional
curl "https://weryfikacjapodpisu.pl/api/v2/epw/4725d2b6cb62b8ee8a7efcbf65d08d0fd52967b4949e615a7d825ff1643e1ed2.pdf?lang=pl"

In the case of a paid key, it will return the attachment in PDF format.

If you use the default authorization key, you cannot download archived results as files.

The lang parameter provided is optional, if the parameter is not provided, the verification result will be in Polish.



This endpoint allows you to submit files for verification.

It is possible to send optional white_list and black_list with file names. The list of files sent to the verifier will then be truncated: only files from the white list (if set) will be added and files on the black list will be deleted.

HTTP Request

POST https://weryfikacjapodpisu.pl/api/verify

URL Parameters

white_listtable with names of files that should be verified (optional parameter)
black_listtable with file names that should not be verified (optional parameter)
curl -F "file[0]"=@some_signed_file.xml -F "file[1]"=@signature.xml -H "api-auth: YOUR_API_KEY" https://weryfikacjapodpisu.pl/api/verify

Sample JSON return for XAdES signature:

  "appID": "weryfikacjapodpisu.pl",
  "dateRequest": "2017-04-14 9:53:26",
  "idRequest": "5f05ac9c3b54d23d8dd607d5f312b7936094a9c091a7f586ad8557f91d06a17a",
  "requestFiles": [
  "signatureFiles": [
      "fileName": "print_20170221095349.pdf.xades",
      "fileStatus": "CORRECT",
      "signatureNodesResult": [
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            "danePZ": null,
            "status": "NOT_EXISTS"
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            "problemWithPz": false,
            "reports": [
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                "issuer": "serialNumber=Nr wpisu: 14, C=PL, O=Asseco Data Systems S.A., CN=CERTUM QCA",
                "name": "CN=Bartosz Tomaszewski, GN=Bartosz, SN=Tomaszewski, serialNumber=PESEL:13292762743, C=PL",
                "selfSigned": false,
                "serialNumber": "50234529",
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                  "status": "CORRECT"
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                  "status": "UNCHECKED"
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                  "notAfter": "2018-04-28",
                  "notBefore": "2016-04-28"
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                "name": "serialNumber=Nr wpisu: 14, C=PL, O=Asseco Data Systems S.A., CN=CERTUM QCA",
                "selfSigned": false,
                "serialNumber": "29592591606546924594270077441325992323698688547",
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                  "notBefore": "2016-04-01"
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                "name": "C=PL, O=Minister wlasciwy do spraw gospodarki, CN=Narodowe Centrum Certyfikacji (NCCert)",
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                  "notBefore": "2009-10-26"
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                  "notAfter": "2020-10-26",
                  "notBefore": "2009-10-26"
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          "nodePath": "/ds:Signature/ds:Object/xades:QualifyingProperties/xades:UnsignedProperties/xades:UnsignedSignatureProperties/xades:CounterSignature/ds:Signature",
          "parentNodePath": "/ds:Signature",
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            "time": "2017-02-21 08:56:44",
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            "verificationStatus": "UNCHECKED"
          "unsignedProperties": {
            "certificateRefsResult": [
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  "status": "ok",
  "verificationStatus": "CORRECT"

Sample return JSON for PAdES signature:

  "appID": "weryfikacjapodpisu.pl",
  "dateRequest": "2017-04-14 9:17:37",
  "idRequest": "5f05ac9c3b54d23d8dd607d5f312b7936094a9c091a7f586ad8557f91d06a17a",
  "requestFiles": [
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